Kako se glagoljica lakše tumači, uči, piše, pamti i čita

Na temelju rezultata paleografske analize glagoljskih slova zna se koji se tip modela
glagoljice lakše piše, uči i čita, te kako se lakše pamte preoblike jednoga tipa u drugi. Modeli
glagoljskih tipova olakšavaju učenje slovnih oblika i razumijevanje razvoja glagoljice
Simboličko značenje modela ima pozitivan odgojni utjecaj. Model linijskog sustava
omogućuje nam lakše tumačenje i razumijevanje sustava pisanja glagoljice. Učenje je
jednostavnije i zanimljivije kad, uz ostale glagoljske fontove na računalu, postoje modeli
glagoljskih tipova kao fontovi. Primjeri su uzeti iz najstarijih glagoljskih spomenika koji se
bolje objasne i opišu pomoću tih spomenutih modela


'How one can teach, learn, write, memorize and read the Glagolitic script more easily

On the basis of the results of the paleographic analysis of the Glagolitic script it is certain
which type of the Glagolitic script model is easier to write, more distinctive and easier to learn
and read and how one can memorize transformations of type morphology more easily. The
models of the Glagolitic script types enable us to learn the character morphology and
understand the development of the Glagolitic script more easily. The symbolic meaning of the
model has positive educational influence on students. The line system model enables one to
teach and understand the system of the Glagolitic writing more easily. Learning is more
interesting and simple when besides other Glagolitic fonts there are akso the Glagolitic model
fonts. The examples in this article are taken from the oldest Glagolitic sources which are
better explained and described by the mentioned models.